Below content is applicable to both Atomic and AX2: 

The customisation for the payment pages is stored as part of the organisation details in APEXX in form of a .css file. If you require differently presented payment pages per brand (or simply wish to retain some flexibility around your styling options), you can send the transaction_css_template attribute in the hostedPaymentPage request. 

Option 1: 

Complete attached .css file with the styling options for your organisation(s) and forward it to your APEXX implementation manager

Option 2: 

Send the .css data as part of the payment request - sample JSON file attached. This feature needs to be switched on by your Implementation Manager - if the styling options don't appear as expected on the first attempt, just ask for the use of individual templates to be activated. 

Related articles

Does APEXX offer a hosted payment page?

Can I use my own branding on the hosted payment page?