APEXX Portal Guidelines V0.1


  • Login

  • Forgot Password

  • Dashboard

  • Transaction Management

  • Transaction Actions

  • Dashboard


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  • Provide valid Email address and Password and click on “Login” button to login into APEXX Portal.

  • Enter your one-time Password emailed to you to successfully login. 

Forgot Password

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  • Click on Forgot Password link on Login screen which will redirect user to Forgot Password screen

  • To Reset Password users need to enter the valid registered email address. After entering the valid email address user will be emailed a set of instructions. 

  • Users click on the provided link  within the Reset Password email, they will then be redirected to Reset Password Screen

Graphical user interface

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  • User should enter the password as per given instructions on the Reset Password screen, User’s password will be reset when the user will click on Set new password after entering the valid password in New password and Confirm New password field.

  • After Resetting password, the user will be able to login with the New password.

Locked out

  • To unlock the user please use forgotten password functionality to get full access soon as possible. 

  • If the user waits for 30 mins then their account will be unlocked automatically.

  • Alternatively users can contact a Super user or Operations user to unlock them.

Administration Organisation Management

Currently not available. Please contact - [email protected]

User Management

Default Roles

Super User




Customer Service

View Transaction

View Transaction

View Transaction

View Transaction

View Transaction

Capture Cancel Refund

Capture Cancel Refund

Cancel Refund

User (Add, update, Status Management, Lock Management)

User (Add, update, Status Management, Lock Management)

Capture virtual Terminal

Capture virtual Terminal

Capture virtual Terminal

Refund Virtual Terminal

Refund Virtual Terminal

Refund Virtual Terminal

With the relevant privileges, users can be managed via the Administration tab. 

Here you’ll find the status of each user.

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By selecting the drop-down arrow after the users’ details, you able to deactivate, activate, unlock, or close the user. If a User’s details need to be changed you will need to Deactivate the user first before performing the update. 

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To add a new user, select the + Add user icon just above the status bar. 

Complete the mandatory fields, save the users role and select save. 

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Transaction Management

Transaction List Screen

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  • This Screen will display all the transactions.

  • Currency

    • This will filter all the transactions based on the selected currency in the dropdown

  • Processor

    • -This will filter all the transactions based on the selected Processor in the dropdown

  • Organisation

    • This will filter all the transactions based on the selected Organisation in the dropdown

  • Acquirer

    • This will filter all the transactions based on the selected Acquirer in the dropdown

  • Status

    • This will filter all the transactions based on the selected status of the transaction in the dropdown

  • Search :

    •  User have drop down available to search using the following criteria

      • Transaction id

      • Merchant Reference

      • Customer Email Address

  • System will display transaction of current day only, to search different days transaction user can select the dates from date range selector

Transaction Details

  • To get further detail on a particular transaction, the user should select the Arrow on the right against the transaction. A Drop down will we appear with transaction details, customer details and Routing Details

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Graphical user interface, application

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Transaction Actions

Card pay Transaction Updates

  •  Depending on your privileges, Users can perform the below actions against a transaction

    • Capture Transaction

    • Cancel Transaction

    • Refund Transaction

Capture Transaction (Card pay)

  • User can do full and partial both types of the capture by selecting the capture button

  • To do the Full capture the user needsto input the whole amount of the authorisation, to complete a partial capture the user needs to input lesser value than the authorised transaction. 

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Cancel Transaction

  • To cancel the transaction, Users need to click on “Cancel” button.

Graphical user interface, text, application, email

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Refund Transaction

  • To Refund the transaction, users need to enter the Amount and reason and then click on the Refund button.

  • For Full refund user needs to enter the full transaction amount and for partial refund user needs to enter Less than captured or full transaction amount.

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Transaction History

Each event actioned against a transaction is logged and stored under the transaction History.

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Virtual Terminal


Depending on your privileges, user is able to perform live transactions via the Virtual Terminal. 

 All Mandatory fields need to be completed for either Payment Event. 

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Graphical user interface, application, Teams

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There are a number of Dashboards available for merchants, ranging from providing insights to generating reports that users can download into CSV format.. 

Given the nature of what is presented on Dashboards, only Apexx Support are able to assign this feature. If you would like to assign Dashboards or would like more info, please contact Apexx Support <support@appex.global> who will be able to help you further.