APEXX Portal Guidelines


Non arrival of the OTP may be caused by an expired password.


  • Login

  • Forgot Password


  • Provide valid Email address and Password and click on “Login” button to successfully login into APEXX Portal.

  • Click on Forgot Password link to reset your password

Forgot Password

  • Click on Forgot Password link on Login screen which will redirect user to Forgot Password screen.

  • To Reset Password users need to enter the valid registered email address. After entering the valid email address “Send Reset Instruction” button will be enabled.

  • When the user clicks on the “Send Reset Instruction” button, email with reset password link will be provided to the user.

  • When user will click on the provided link the Reset Password email, He will be redirected to Reset Password Screen

  • User should enter the password as per given instructions on the Reset Password screen, User’s password will be reset when the user will click on Set new password after entering the valid password in New password and Confirm New password field.

  • After Resetting password, the user will be able to login with the New password and user will be able to receive OTP to login.