External Release Notes - Controls

Sprint Release

  • 23.10

Sprint Release Date

  • 01/12/23 in Sandbox


What will change?

  • Error code mapping enhancement

  • In-app integration for Lloyds Cardnet

  • Klarna requests improvements


  • Error code mapping enhancement

As part of our effort to streamline error code mapping between APEXX and our Platform Partners, we have worked on fixing an erroneous code mapping which was providing contradicting statuses in our Portal. 


  • In-app integration for Lloyds Cardnet 

We have integrated with a new acquirer - Lloyds Cardnet - and have developed the in-app integration allowing customers to use their ApplePay wallet. Our in-app integration includes field mapping for greater and smoother transaction processing. 


  • Klarna requests improvements

Incoming Klarna requests have been reviewed to support special characters that had not been included so that we can handle ISO-8859 characters.