External Release Notes - Controls
Sprint Release
  • 23.11
Sprint Release Date
  • 20/12 in Production


What will change?

  • Maestro logo 

  • Role management bug fixing


  • Maestro logo

We will add Maestro logo in the Transactions section of our Portal  for the card scheme Maestro / Bancontact. This is done to ensure all the scheme logos are aligned and properly displayed for improved use of the Portal. 


  • Role management bug fixing

We will resolve a bug affecting certain Super User roles, preventing the individual users from editing or cloning other accounts. 


What will change?

  • Refund request - mapping correction

  • Failed request amounts no longer populated in database and API


  • Refund request - Mapping correction

After a refund request, the response will be displayed as FAILED in the Portal if the reasons received from our downstream partners are SERVER_ERROR or SYSYEM_ERROR. This should allow merchants to get greater clarity and understanding of errors.


  • Failed request amounts no longer populated

To reduce reporting errors and provide a more accurate reconciliation reporting, we will prevent the captured and the refunded amount from being populated in our response in the case of a failed capture or refund request. This will apply to both our GET transaction and database.